Hanukkah – Festival of Lights – Yeshua Light of the World

For me the celebration of Hanukkah has now given me a different meaning for this time of the year. I have found it really difficult to get to grips as to why people would want to celebrate a falsehood. For me, the celebration of christmas has no meaning as Christ was not born on December 25th – this is a day of celebration for the Pagan, Druids it was adopted by the church in order to try and share the birth of christ with the pagans, however, from my conversations with pagans who celebrate their Solstice they have no interest in the birth of christ – it means nothing to them – in fact from what I have experienced personally they laugh at the christian who consider it to be a holy day for them as the pagans know full well it is not anything to do with the Son of God – but rather the rebirth of the Sun – and fertility.

For me, I would rather celebrate Hanukkah as it is far more meaningful to me. For God enabled the oil to burn for 8 days while new oil was prepared – sanctified and purified to be burned in the restored temple – which was in the history of the Maccabees who discovered the ruined Temple and wanted to restore it – they asked God to maintain the oil and God did for 8 days while the preparations were being undertook. For me this is a real miracle – as people really were dedicated to God in believing that God could perform such a miracle. Today – people have seem to have lost their way in not asking God for help.

For me the celebration of the festival of Light means more to me as Christ is the Light of the World and He came to shine for us and show us the Way back to the Father Creator of all the Universe. Without the guiding light of Christ we would not have a way back. The Messiah came to show us the way – He is the Light of the Word – teaching us His Commandments, His rulings and His obedience. In keeping with the Word of God as He is the Word made flesh he came and dwelt amongst us. His light shines eternally –

Yeshua was with God at the beginning of Creation – He is the Word of God made flesh who dwelt amongst us to show us the Way – He is the Way to the Life and Truth and only through Him do we have Salvation, and remission for our sins, He was ransomed on our behalf and nailed to a tree so that we could be given the opportunity to be reconcilled back to the Father – Creator of All – It is by HIs Word that we are here at all.  He brought everything into being by His Word –

We are called to make ourselves ready – the story of the 10 virgins who had their lamps is a clear indication as to how important that we have our wicks and lamps trimmed ready for His return.  The story of the virgins denotes our readiness to be prepared to recieve Him as our bridegroom and to walk with Him when he calls us to be with Him.

We are to come before the Father and ask for forgiveness for our lack of faith and believe in Him.  Today – people are being led to believe that Santa Claus is the one who can give hope to the people – only the Messiah and God can do that – Santa Claus cannot stop the rains, nore halt the hurricanes, nor feed the five thousands – only the Messiah can do that.  To teach children to follow Santa Claus and to celebrate by giving him cookies – which do not get eaten except by the parents of the children who place their presents under the tree – which also is an abomination to God – another pagan ritual which has been integrated into the so called celebration of christs birth day –

Yeshua came to give us life more abundantly by our following in His footsteps in obedience to God holy word and teachings.  The Ten Commandments, the keeping of the Shabbat and the Holy Days that God has ordained – which had all been thrown away from the early church because they did not want to be associated with anything Jewish – how foolish – for by throwing it away we are actually throwing away the promise which was given to Israel – not to any other group of people were given such great gifts, knowledge and wisdom – when Moses came down the mountain with the Ten Commandments and found the people in rebellion already against God he was utterly dismayed and threw the Word down – only to have to go again to God and plead for forgiveness for the people and ask God to again give to him the Word which was to give a light to the path of men.  When you discover the Truth behind the Ten Commandments and realise just how important they are to Mankind we would all be able to live in the Peace and Joy and Salvation that God promised to Israel if they choose to Follow His Way.

WE do have a choice – you only have to look into Deut to see the full picture of what would happen when we choose to follow God’s path – life, abundant food, happy homes, fruitful fields, is that not what people are looking for really.

However when we choose the other path of disobedience of denying God’s very existence, denying God’s power to heal the sick, bringing only shame and destruction on ourselves – He said that this would happen when we turn our backs on God.

The way Society is today with its blatant disregard for God’s Laws and teachings – denying Him, the world is facing such a massive destructive path ahead because of this.  God said He would shake the Heavens and the Earth – there would be floods, wars, earthquakes, famines, plagues – this is What God said he would allow to come on the earth because of mans disregard to His power, His Word, His Ways.

Far better to come to the Father and ask for forgiveness and aknowledge our unbelief and seek His face while there is yet still time.  Mankind is on a road to destruction – but those who call upon the name of the Lord in that day will be saved.  When we understand that by Turning back to the Father we have an opportunity to have a life filled with Joy, Peace and Abundance – do you not think that it is a much wiser course of action – to come back to the Creator and let Him shine His light into your hearts and minds and rediscover who He really is.